This guide is also available in PDF format, download here.
As of January 2025, Ticino Medical Tribune will publish, in addition to the traditional "scientific" section, a new "peer-reviewed scientific" section, where articles will undergo peer review.
Authors wishing to submit a manuscript to Ticino Medical Tribune must adhere to the following guidelines, in accordance with the principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Compliance with these rules ensures a transparent editorial process that meets ethical standards.
If a researcher has contributed to the work but does not meet all the criteria for authorship, they may be acknowledged for their specific contribution at the end of the article..
1. Management
This section is managed in collaboration with the Institute of Family Medicine at the University of Lugano, which ensures the scientific quality of the contributions.
2. Article
2.1. General information
Articles in this section may be written in Italian or English and must include the following sections in order:
- Title in Italian (maximum 10 words)
- List of authors without affiliations
- The text of the articles is divided into four sections:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- (Conclusion)
- Title translated into English (maximum 10 words)
- Abstract in English, without sections ("unstructured"). The abstract length should be between 150 and 250 words for articles. For case reports, it should not exceed 100 words. For articles in English, an abstract is required in both English and Italian.
- Keywords: must include between 3 and 5 keywords in English, separated by commas.
- References: a maximum of 20 references for articles, 10 for case reports. Authors of systematic reviews and meta-analyses with a higher number of references are encouraged to use an online digital repository, where they can list the references of the analyzed studies or other supplementary information. The repository must be publicly accessible without restrictions. The manuscript must include the link to access the repository.
The bibliography must include only journal articles indexed in PubMed and should be formatted according to the NLM model of PubMed. (Important: a. List all authors and avoid using "et al."; b. Include the full page range of the article (e.g., not just 220-5 but 220-225)).
Feketea G, Vassilopoulou E, Andreescu O, Berghea EC, Pope RM, Sabin OA, Zdrenghea M, Bocsan IC. Vitamin D level and immune modulation in children with recurrent wheezing. J Pediatr. 2024;121(2):220-225. - Repetition of the author list with affiliations.
- Declarations:
- Role of each author in the preparation of the manuscript
- Conflicts of interest
- Funding and sponsor’s role
- Ethics: name of the ethics committee that approved the study and a statement on informed consent obtained from participants
- Access to raw data, repository address
- Acknowledgments
2.2. Language
The journal is read by doctors from all specialties. Therefore, overly technical language should be avoided, and abbreviations should be minimized (ideally, no abbreviations should be used).
2.3. Authors
After the title (which must not exceed 10 words), the full first and last name of each author should be provided. If an author has one or more middle names, they should be indicated with an initial followed by a period (e.g., "Marco P. Bolzano", NOT "MP Bolzano" or "Bolzano Marco Paolo"). At the end of the article, the full name and affiliation of all authors should be listed again. Only the corresponding author should include their email address immediately after the affiliations according to the following model:
Title of the author (First name, Last name)
Affiliation (Department/Service, Name of the Hospital/University)
Postal Code, City (Country)
Corresponding author: First name, Last name, Email
Dr. med. Marco P. Bolzano
Rheumatology Service, Cassarate Hospital
6900 Lugano (Switzerland)
Dr. med. Marina Calzi
Orthopedics Service, Cassarate Hospital
6900 Lugano (Switzerland)
Corresponding author: Marco P. Bolzano, email:
2.4. Documents
The following documents must be submitted separately:
- Main manuscript (in Microsoft Word)
- Tables (each table in a separate Microsoft Word file)
- Figures (each figure as a separate file in any preferred format)
The total number of tables and figures combined must not exceed six. Each table and figure must have a title or a brief legend and be referenced in the text.
For case reports, the total number of tables and figures combined must not exceed three.
Articles must not explicitly advertise clinics, services, or institutions affiliated with the authors.
The authors of each article are responsible for ensuring that their work and statements:
- Comply with applicable regulations
- Follow international recommendations (including authorship criteria)
- Have been approved by an ethics committee, if necessary
- Adhere to the authorship criteria as outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):
2.5. Length
Ticino Medical Tribune publishes original research studies, narrative/systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and editorials. The length of these articles should not exceed 2500 words (preferably 2000 words or less). The journal also publishes case reports, which should not exceed 1000 words (ideally 800 words or less).
2.6. Font
The required font is Arial 10.
3. Submission letter
It will be necessary to state in the submission letter that:
"The corresponding author declares that the work submitted for the attention of Tribuna Medica Ticinese has been conducted in compliance with applicable regulations and international recommendations."
Additionally, the submission letter must include a declaration of the presence or absence of conflicts of interest for each author.
Each article must have a corresponding author responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that the names of the authors, their order, and affiliations are correct, and verifying that all authors have approved the manuscript before submission.
- Properly formatting the manuscript, tables, and figures.
- Obtaining permissions to reproduce previously published material.
- Ensuring that patients have given their consent for the publication of photographs or imaging studies.
- Including (if applicable) conflict of interest statements.
4. Costs
Ticino Medical Tribune does not charge any fees for online submission and publication of articles.
5. Evaluation
Manuscripts submitted to the peer-reviewed scientific section will be evaluated by reviewers, who will critically assess the work. The experts will remain anonymous.
6. Transmission
Articles for the peer review section must be submitted via the following link:
7. Review of Instructions
Author instructions are periodically updated, and authors are advised to review them before each submission.